KAAVIYATHALIVAN is a highly entertaining period drama movie, set in the years 1920-1960. During this time theatre was the most prominent entertainment medium in the southern districts in and around Madurai. Theatre troupes went on tours, visiting various places, performing their plays in makeshift tents, and then moving on to their next destination. KAAVIYATHALIVAN is story set in the backdrop of one such "boys company", as they were popularly known then
KAAVIYATHALIVAN is a highly entertaining period drama movie, set in the years 1920-1960. During this time theatre was the most prominent entertainment medium in the southern districts in and around Madurai. Theatre troupes went on tours, visiting various places, performing their plays in makeshift tents, and then moving on to their next destination. KAAVIYATHALIVAN is story set in the backdrop of one such "boys company", as they were popularly known then